Monday, February 6, 2012

My first cup of joe!

 When I first surveyed the strange Italian appliances that came in my apartment, I knew this ancient-looking pot was for coffee but I had no idea how it worked.  I later found out it is called a Moka, and should only be used with Italian coffee.  

My roommate Allie and I decided we were getting frustrated with the 2-sip cups of coffee sold at Italian cafes.  We managed to assemble the Moka correctly and make a pretty mean cup of joe, although it took about 7 minutes.  I do miss the quick service and friendly atmosphere of Starbuck's but I think I can get used to the Moka.  (I'm more upset that my Starbuck's Gold Card will not be racking up any gold stars for the next few months.)
So difficult for a simple cup of coffee!
I sympathize with J-Woww when she tries to make coffee in Florence on Jersey Shore

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