Thursday, January 12, 2012

First Post

Hi everyone!  I'm not quite sure why I am even posting yet....perhaps I need to change my blog title to "Kendall will be in Florence soon."  But as I prepare to leave for Italy in just two short weeks, I wanted to preface by saying a few things.  First, I have no idea how much (or how little) I will actually be blogging.  As of right now I am planning on using this as a way to jot down my experiences so as not to forget them when I return home in four months. (Yes, I know that sounds impossible, but I'm not taking any chances!)  

Also, I can't promise that this will be entertaining or even interesting to anyone except my parents (hi, Mom and Dad).  What I can say for sure is that I have never been more excited/nervous/anxious in my entire life.  Not only will this be the longest I have ever been away from home, but it is also the first time I will truly be on my own.  I can't wait to see what excitement comes my way and how I will adapt to becoming an independent individual while abroad.  I know this semester will teach me real-world life lessons that I will use for many years, and I am hoping this blog allows me to remember all the tiny details that constitute an overall amazing adventure.  

Arrivederci, America!  

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