Although talk of an "Abroad Bucket List" began in March, none of us managed to ever write anything down, so on our last full day we ran around everywhere to try and check-off as much as we could. For my personal list, this included climbing the Duomo. Bre and I woke up very early and set out to climb the 463 steps to the top. When we arrived we were rewarded with an amazing view of the entire city. I was told to wait until the end of my stay to do the climb, and I'm glad I did. It was an amazing sight!

Once the day turned to night, it started to sink in that this journey was coming to an end. This was especially clear when we got our last gelato. The store owner Francesco came to know us well and gave us free gelato and free I <3 Gelato hats.

I wish there was some way I could show how being abroad changed me as a person, but I can't really describe it. To be honest I am still figuring that out myself. But after being back home it will start to show. One thing is for sure though: these will not just be memories of a semester in college. As corny as it sounds, the things I learned and the people I met will impact me for the rest of my life.
The title of this post has a question mark because I'm not sure what comes next. But this is the end for now. Special thanks to my parents who let me study abroad in the first place, and thanks to everyone for following my story! Arrivederci e grazie a tutti!
may have cried reading this...