- Italian 1
- Art History II: High Renaissance to the Present
- Advertising Principles
- Public Relations
- Workplace Psychology: Building Effective Managers
I only have class Monday through Wednesday, which leaves my weekends open for lots of traveling and exploring. Classes start a week from today and until then I will be getting settled and attending my program's orientation.
Also, a friend showed me this article and I couldn't agree more: http://www.usatoday.com/news/opinion/forum/story/2012-01-18/study-abroad-global-economy-travel/52650834/1. I wish every college student got to have a similar experience to the one I'm about to embark on, but I understand not everyone is able to. I'm so thankful my parents are letting me do this! I promise to learn a lot and stay out of trouble :)
My next post will (hopefully) be coming from Italy unless my flight gets delayed/cancelled or this is all just a dream.......Until then, ciao!
It is not a dream Kendall. It is real. And it is awesome. Hope you had smooth flight!